Widgetkit 2.7 – Introducing RSS feed content provider
We've updated Widgetkit to 2.7 today. This new version includes new custom fields like the Google Marker and a date and pathpicker. Moreover, you can now display any RSS feed on your website with the new added Content Provider. Of course this new version brings further improvements and fixes.
RSS Feed Content Provider
From now on you can display RSS feeds on your website. The new Content Provider fetches the latest news from a given RSS feed by adding the source link and renders the feed items respecting the chosen limit setting.
Custom Map Marker
You can now individualize the marker icon on your map widgets. Each location field contains an additional field to change the marker icon for this item. It is also possible to change the marker icons for all widget items at once in the settings. Simply insert a hex color code to change the marker to any color. But that's not all, create a custom marker by inserting the path to your own marker image. That's a quite cool gimmick if you want to display your company on the map. Therefore, you could just pick your company's logo and set the location.

Path and Datepicker
We added two new custom fields to Widgetkit, which simplify selecting paths to files or folders and dates in a calendar. If you want to build a custom event widget the datepicker eases picking the right date by opening a calendar in your backend. The pathpicker resembles the default media picker but allows choosing e.g. pdf and zip files to provide them on your website as downloads.

Comments and feedback
We hope you'll enjoy the Widgetkit update. Like always we look forward for your feedback, so leave a comment below.